Monday, October 20, 2008

Politics Shmolitics

I feel like there's no hope for us anymore.
At least politically speaking. We have two candidates for president and as far as I'm concerned neither of them are going to do us any good.

You have McCain. He's the one most of us hate. We see our former president in him and we fear that. He's old, He's republican and He's a war vet. Sounds like a recipe for bias hatred and war mongering.

So far my biggest problem with him is a statement he made concerning gay marriage during a debate, "we'll change the constitution if we have to." That's scary stuff, what else is he willing to change the constitution on?

Then you have Obama, the new face. The could be first non-white US president.

My biggest problem with him, is that he seems fake, like hes putting on a show for the American people. The young charismatic candidate running on the wings of a message for 'Change', sound familiar? It should, the same thing happened a while back in Cuba. A young charismatic candidate showed up promising change... The people trusted him, rallied around him and loved this new young face of hope...
Who did this leader turn out to be? Fidel Castro.

Not to mention his statements in his book about siding with Muslims over Israel... "I will stand with the Muslims should the political winds shift in an ugly direction." that's disconcerting.

Why does it always come down to having to choose between two people who don't deserve it?
Is there any hope left for our country?

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