Wednesday, December 31, 2008


I've heard a lot, since I was real young actually, about how 2012 is the end of the Mayan calendar and the supposed end of the world.

Always sounded a bit fishy to me. I mean, it had to end somewhere right?

Anyways, this came up in a conversation the other day with a friend of mine. He's really into the government cover-up stuff. I hate to call it conspiracy, because I think there's a lot of truth to it. I mean with that much power, why wouldn't they cover things up?

So my friend tells me that the whole Mayan calendar thing is made up. A lie from the bigwigs who rule the world. He says the real end is a lot sooner. September 2009, if I remember correctly. Apparently there is an asteroid that's been nicknamed planet x, headed straight for our little blue globe, we call home.

He said they made up 2012 to throw us off, so we wouldn't be freaking out, and that they already have plans to take off before then, and have shelters and stuff in preparation. Leaving everyone else to be killed, and solving the population problem I suppose.

Sounds kind of crazy... but not too long ago I watched an episode on Nova that said, an asteroid was heading for earth. I don't remember when they determined it might hit, but surely it wasn't that soon. They said something might knock it off its course and we would probably be safe.

But what if they were told they couldn't say anything about it hitting in 2009? I'm not worried.... just watching and waiting.

I don't know. I say this to say, what people have been saying since the beginning of time... We could all die at any moment... the sky is falling my friends.

Are you ready?